Difference Between
Normalize and Reset CSS
Reset CSS and Normalize CSS are different approaches to achieving a consistent baseline for styling across web browsers.
Reset CSS
- Reset CSS completely removes all default browser styling from elements, setting them to a common baseline. This means removing margins, paddings, and other styles that browsers apply by default.
- It provides a clean slate for styling, ensuring consistency across different browsers.
- However, it can sometimes be overly aggressive, removing useful default styles that may be desirable in certain cases.
- Popular examples include Eric Meyer's "Reset CSS" and Yahoo's "YUI Reset".
Normalize CSS
- Normalize CSS aims to maintain useful default styles while ensuring consistency across different browsers. Instead of resetting all styles to zero, it aims to normalize them to a consistent baseline.
- It preserves browser defaults that are considered useful and only normalizes styles that are inconsistent across browsers.
- Normalize CSS helps in making the styling more predictable and consistent across different platforms and browsers.
- Normalize.css, created by Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, is a widely used library for this purpose.
In essence, while both reset CSS and normalize CSS serve the purpose of establishing a consistent baseline for styles, reset CSS wipes out all default browser styles, while normalize CSS seeks to standardize them across browsers while preserving useful defaults. The choice between them depends on your specific project requirements and preferences.
Last Update: 15:54 - 09 April 2024